Hawaii Forgiveness Project

Images of Forgiveness Awards
Winning Entries, 2005

presented at
International Forgiveness Day in Hawai'i
August 7, 2005

Gold Medal:

At Peace
original photograph
Glenn T. Poulain

For me this image of a Hawaiian sea turtle -- Honu -- represents the spirit and harmony between man and creature, representatives of two worlds coming together as one and sharing a hostile yet magnificent environment.

The word peace in of itself is synonymous with calmness, tranquility, harmony and serenity. Living life with calmness, tranquility, harmony and serenity is living with understanding, forgiveness and acceptance.

If man and creature can share in the harshness and delights of the world, surely so can man amongst men.

...Glenn T. Poulain

Silver Medal:

Picking Up the Pieces
acrylic on canvas
Ginger Royal

In this series I focused on the non-threatening symbol of a child's doll, and through its anthropomorphic qualities created the ability of this internal cleansing process of healing and forgiveness to take place.

Raggedy Andy provided the psychological and emotional witness of one's personal process of internal cleansing, giving room for the metamorphosis that has the true ability for emotional and spiritual cleansing.

I focused on a child's room equipped with toys and the external elements creeping in (like war and unrest, though through a child's sometimes candy-coated view, i.e. army man falling from a 'shave-ice' instead of parachute, the amunition on the truck is candy kisses, and the 'land-mine' is actually a spinning top., the mirror symbolizing our universal sameness)

The title 'Picking up the Pieces', refers to the aftermath that is inevitably needed and required to carry on positively and productively. Raggedy Andy with extended arm becomes a universal symbol of help and hope in this painting.

...Ginger Royal

Bronze Medal:

charcoal and pastel
Mary-Beth Snider

This image is a depiction of myself as a child. One of the first pieces I ever did.

This child was a victim of many of life's unkindnesses...emotional abuse, physical abuse, neglect, rape, molestation and incest.

Through much work with my inner self, and the ability to forgive, the sadness and pain seen in her eyes is no longer there. I am living proof and am able to say that ALL things can be conquered in that one simple word..."Forgiveness."

Mary-Beth Snider

Special Recognition:

The Lift of Freedom
oil on canvas
Spar Street

I love what you are doing. I feel it is very important for forgiveness to become the forefront of our minds and hearts because, in my experience, it is in giving forth where I have been withholding love and kindness, that I find freedom and happiness in the parts of my mind that had gone sour and hard.

...Spar Street




© copyright 2005, Hawai'i Forgiveness Project
and by each individual artist