Hawaii Forgiveness Project
Images of Forgiveness Awards
Winning Entries, 2006
presented at
International Forgiveness Day in Hawai'i
August 6, 2006
Gold Medal:
Lei Lokahi
original photograph, 9 x 13 print
John Kalani Zak
website: Zak West
"The theme of forgiveness is expressed by the representation of Lokahi, unity, between humankind, as represented by the red cigar flower lei, the purple, yellow and green lei, representing the 'aina, and the yellow pua kenikeni lei, representing akua and the spiritual realms. When one lives in lokahi, or unity, forgiveness, acceptance, and aloha flow, bringing peace to our inner and outer worlds."
John Kalani Zak
Silver Medal:
Twin Falls
original photographs, triptych Larry Lovett
"These images were shot in quick sequence at Twin Falls, Maui. They represent the dynamic changes of the water element, the inner flowing force behind forgiveness."
Larry Lovett
Bronze Medal:
Cry for Peace
original oil on canvas, 24 x 36 Frank B. Shaner
"This image was inspired by Man's relentless march to dominate, crush, rule over and to destroy 'because my god is better than yours'... The world has become very small. With technologies that are available to us today we live in very close quarters so it is imperative that we strive to live together in a world that's gone mad! As stewards of this earth we must try to promote peace at all cost. Up from the ashes, a 'Cry for Peace' is shouted."
Frank Shaner
photo: Kaneohe Sunset, courtesy Chris Spezzano
© copyright 2006, Hawai'i Forgiveness Project
and by each individual artist